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The Five Minute Morning: My Makeup Routine

It was time to change my morning routine. The hustle and bustle of getting ready for a long commute to work was wearing me thin and I knew something had to change for me to have a little more peace in the mornings. 

It was time to change my makeup routine. 

Going from full pageant glam to pandemic fresh-faced was quite the change but helped me ease into my latest routine. After wearing masks and dealing with maskne, my makeup routine had already taken a turn for a simpler, low-effort look.

However, I still had mounds of makeup piled up in the bathroom, constantly looking for better storage solutions and forgetting what I even owned. Makeup that I had purchased probably 10 years ago and way past expiration was still making it onto my face.

So that’s when I decided to fully deinfluence and declutter – getting rid of almost everything I owned. Despite a few items I had recently purchased, I tossed my entire makeup collection in the trash for a fresh start. 

After cleaning everything out I searched for the best 5-minute makeup routine and found Merit Beauty’s kit. I was then “reinfluenced” from their ads on TikTok and decided to give it a try.

What’s the result? A new low-effort and minimal beauty routine that focuses on my skincare, speed, and natural look. It matches perfectly with my personal style that’s inspired by a naturalist feel and helps me feel put together in a flash in the mornings. 

Watch the full YouTube video of me trying out the products here!

Whatever beauty routine you choose, remember that your makeup and hair routine is part of your personal style. You must take into consideration the overall look you’re wanting alongside the lifestyle you live to create a routine that truly fits you. 

If you want to shop Merit Beauty’s 5 min face you can click this link here to shop my favorites or click below!

Vibe & Visualize Workshop

For the price of about 2 iced coffees you can start transforming your style and feel more confident in your wardrobe.